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2020 CAA Annual Meeting Notice

11 Oct 2020 19:59 | Citadel Club Of Charleston (Administrator)

2020 CAA Annual Meeting Notice

DATE: September 24, 2020


TO: The Citadel Alumni Association Membership, Officers and Directors

FROM: Colonel Ed White, ‘66, President, The Citadel Alumni Association

RE: The Annual Membership Meeting 

Annual Meeting Notice

Annual Membership Meeting of The Citadel Alumni Association will be held at 10:00 on Friday, November 6th in the Courvoisie Banquet Hall at the John Monroe J. Holliday Alumni Center. Association members are encouraged to attend this important and informative meeting.

To protect the safety and health of all attendees, this meeting is subject to potential changes if unfavorable COVID-19 conditions arise. Association members would be immediately notified if a change were to occur. Everyone entering The Citadel campus is always asked to wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing. Please refrain from attending if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive within 10 days of the meeting, have had contact with anyone who has symptoms, or you have been advised by a public health or medical professional to self-monitor, self-isolate, or self-quarantine because of concerns about a COVID-19 infection.


The Citadel Alumni Association bylaws require in-person attendance at the annual membership meeting, thus it is extremely essential that members RSVP at the link below to expedite the check-in process, ensure contact tracing can be conducted if necessary, and to safely prepare the venue. It is important to submit an RSVP now even if your capacity to attend changes before November 6th. 


Complete the attached form if you are providing your proxy to another Association member in your absence. A member may give a one (1) written proxy to another member to vote, but no member may act as a proxy for more than one (1) other member. All proxies must be received by LTC Tom McAlister, Executive Director, by Monday, November 2nd to be a valid proxy and be emailed to LTC McAlister or mailed to his attention at: The Citadel Alumni Association, ATTN: LTC Tom McAlister, 171 Moultrie St, Charleston, SC 29409-6130.

Motion by LTC Bruce Alexander to Amend the CAA Bylaws

That Article III, Board of Directors, Section 1, Composition, be amended as follows:

“1. Article III Sections 1e and f shall be predesignated Article III, Section 1f and g respectively.

2. A new Article III, Section 1e to read as follows: “e. One director for a one-year term selected by the membership of The Citadel African American Alumni Association, provided said organization shall have not less than 300 members of the Association as of July 1st of the year of election. The election shall be in accordance with the bylaws of The Citadel African American Alumni Association and not subject to election rule of Article IX hereinafter. . .”

Honoring Tradition, Serving the Community

Membership is OPEN to Everyone, REGARDLESS of Your Relationship to The Citadel!*

Copyright © 2022 | Citadel Club of Charleston, Inc. | 171 Moultrie St. MSC 125 | Charleston, SC 29409 |
843.256.3900 | 843.432.3233 Fax | 
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