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  • CITADEL NIGHT at The Joe | Tuesday, August 30th

CITADEL NIGHT at The Joe | Tuesday, August 30th

25 Jul 2016 19:18 | Citadel Club Of Charleston (Administrator)

CITADEL NIGHT at The Joe | Tuesday, August 30th 

All in The Citadel Family - Can you come out and support the school while having a great time at The Joe? Come on out!

Download Flyer HERE

The freshman and sophomores will be attending the RiverDogs game, while staff and upper class cadets have been extended an invite along with one guest. 

Prior to the game there will be a performance by The Summerall Guards. The Regimental Commander will throw out the first pitch, and Cadets will present the colors while the choir members will perform the National Anthem. Throughout the evening there will be prizes and games for all Cadets in attendance. 

We would like to ask you for your support to help cover the costs of the tickets for approximately 1,500 Cadets we have invited. 

The following are the sponsorship breakdowns: 

  • $250- tickets for 50 Cadets (Cadet Sponsor)
  • $500- tickets for 100 Cadets (Squad Sponsor)
  • $1,000- tickets for 200 Cadets (Company Sponsor)
  • $2,500- tickets for 500 Cadets (Battalion Sponsor)
  • $5,000- tickets for 1,000 Cadets (Regimental Sponsor) 
All businesses or individuals who sponsor the evening will receive 10 tickets and parking passes for the game, as well as video board recognition and P.A. announcements. 

Any sponsors at the Company level or above will receive 20 tickets and VIP parking passes as well as video board recognition and P.A. announcements throughout the game with the ability to have a table display on the RiverDogs concourse. 

Additionally, we welcome any donations of items or services to be used as door prizes for the Cadets.

Call Will Senn, Sales Representative, if you want to support.

Charleston RiverDogs

843-577-3647 (p)

843-723-2641 (f)

Honoring Tradition, Serving the Community

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Copyright © 2022 | Citadel Club of Charleston, Inc. | 171 Moultrie St. MSC 125 | Charleston, SC 29409 |
843.256.3900 | 843.432.3233 Fax | 
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