Annual Alumni Muster & Easter Lily Remembrance
On Corps Day weekend, the Citadel Club of Charleston, in coordination with the Citadel Alumni Association will conduct the Annual Alumni Muster and Easter Lily Remembrance in honor of those members of the Citadel’s Long Grey Line who passed during the preceding calendar year.
This year, we are again partnering with the Office of the Chaplain to the Corps of Cadets to present an even more robust experience. The Muster ceremony will take place at Summerall Chapel on the campus in Charleston, SC. Members of the Corps of Cadets will assist in conducting a tribute and roll call for all our late classmates and comrades who passed in 2024.
Easter Lily Remembrance
This being the second year holding the Muster at Summerall Chapel, we continue the tradition of providing Family and friends the opportunity to have an Easter Lily displayed on the alter during the Muster in loving memory of the departed. A suggested donation of $50.00 is most appreciated and the net proceeds go to support youth programs sponsored by the Citadel's Chaplaincy. Attendees who donate are welcome to take their lily home. Otherwise, we will endeavor to find the lily another good home.
To reserve your Easter Lily, please visit us on line, no later than Monday, 18 March 2024.

Here is the full schedule for Sunday morning, the 24th of March. Please join us for this impactful and important ceremony to honor the best of us who go before us. All are welcome at these events and there is no cost to attendees.
0900 - 1000 Sunday Services as regularly scheduled at Summerall Chapel. Chaplain Aaron Meadows presiding.
1000 - 1100 Sunday Brunch in Buyer Auditorium. The auditorium is on the 2nd floor of Mark Clark Hall next door to the chapel.
1100 - 1200 The 27th Annual Alumni Remembrance Muster at Summerall Chapel.
We sincerely hope that you will make plans to join us for this solemn celebration of the many lives who were shaped, to some degree, by this institution. If you are able to join us for the Muster, we ask that you bring with you a framed photo of your loved one as a cadet and/or later in life. These will be displayed on a "Table of Remembrance" at the entrance to the Chapel. There is no cost to attend the Muster, but all attending are asked to pre-register.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact: Charlie Cox at:
Please register through this website as soon as possible.